A British court has sentenced Lucy Letby, a nurse who killed seven babies and attempted to kill six, to life in prison.
The court ordered Letby to spend his life in prison without early release, including parole, depending on the severity of the crime.
The 33-year-old defendant was recorded as the worst child killer in modern Britain and the fourth female prisoner of life.
Letby worked in the hospital neonatal unit in northern England for about a year from June 2015, killing five boys and two girls.
She was either aerated or given insulin, and forced to drink milk.
They killed all the twins or sacrificed two of the triplets.
Surviving children also have serious disabilities.
Letby refused to attend the sentencing hearing.
In response, the British prime minister decided to change the law so that murderers must be present at sentencing.
Police are investigating the possibility that Letby may have injured dozens of more babies at two hospitals where he worked in the past.
취재기자 : 김태현
영상편집 : 임종문
자막뉴스 : 이미영
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[ 한국 뉴스 채널 와이티엔 / Korea News Channel YTN ]